Riverdale Park Business Association Meeting
The Riverdale Park Business Association met last night at the Calvert House Restaurant. Mr. Joe Caputo was invited and did speak to us regarding the rubble lot on the corner of Baltimore Boulevard and East West Highway. He agreed to fill and seed the lot. Fence in the storm drain, but not the entire lot. When he secures a tenant, he will put up signage telling what is happening. He will allow the Calvert House to put a sign on his property letting people know that it is open for business. He will buy bulbs for the planters out front which the association will maintain and plant this Saturday. I believe having him attend the town meeting the other night opened the residents, businesses and the developer to a working relationship. This is a very positive note. We hope he will continue to attend our meetings. Dealing face to face has brought us to an agreeable solution. This is a tremendous lesson for all of us. Now, we need to get a face to face with our other developer in the Town Center. We will be inviting Doug Jemal to our next meeting and hope to have more successes for the development of our town. You can view our web site at www.riverdaleparkbiz.com Minutes will be posted soon. Also please frequent our local businesses. When they profit, we all profit.
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