Palin/Biden Debate 10/2/08
I watched the entire debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin. There is one thing, I hope, Americans heard loud and clear. Governor Palin said, "Stop pointing fingers and lets move forward". That was the most important phrase in the whole debate. Just like a mother would say to her bikering children. Maybe that's what we need here in the US, a mother to rule. The politicians who we call our leaders are behaving like 8th graders, pointing fingers, blaming the other etc. What a bunch of brats. The President is not a KING, he cannot make the mess all by himself. The congress, sentate, house all have a part in what is happening in our country. So let's stop the blaming and the finger pointing and move forward as Governor Palin suggests. What a breathe of fresh air. They say she doesn't have experience on foreigh policy, well I say those current leaders may have experience but its not getting things done so what good is it? Maybe we need a clean slate with new ideas. They say she doesn't have experience to fix the economy, well, those in charge aren't doing a good job either and I am including those in the senate, house along with the president. You are supposed to be a team working for the good of the country and all you can do is argue and try to best each other. What kind of team is that. So, Sarah does have experience with team work and that's what needs to be fixed right now, THE TEAM. Our Captain/President is crippled and our Senate/players are kicking him around thinking this is a good thing? That's not team work. You should be ashamed of yourselves. (I can hear Sarah saying this) She has good sense and that's what I want in my elected officials.
I read the newspaper reports. They don't take Governor Palin seriously. Maybe I'm reading the wrong newspaper. I read the Washington Post. Maybe I should change to a paper who reports the news instead of feeble opinions. Any suggestions out there?
All the candidates are talking about change. I don't see any change coming unless the American people decide enough is enough and stop sending these cranky babies to do a women's job. We need Sarah Palin more than ever right now. She is the change we have been looking for. She can lead our country out of this mess and she can do it all with a smile. She has the ability, the intelligence and the compassion to be one of the greatest leaders of our time. I urge all Amerians to take an open minded look at her and see her American Spirit.
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