Last Presidential Debate
Just wanted to make some notes about the debate.
The Health Care Program:
Senator Obama says all will have health care. He will make the insurance companies cover pre existing conditions. He will fine corporations who don't give health care to their employees. He will fine people who don't have insurance on their children.
Those companies who don't cover health care will pay into a fund so that those without insurance can get it from this fund and it will be equal to what he has a a federal employee. Sounds great! Who will pay? If insurance companies have to cover pre existing conditions, that costs more and I guess the premiums will go up to cover that expense. I don't think this program will help me at all. I see it as something that would be good for people who the government covers already and a real disadvantage for the small business owner.
Senator McCain says that he will give everyone a $5000 credit for health care and you can pick your own coverage. This would make the insurance companies more competitive for your business and that would drive down prices. Maybe. I don't see it helping me either.
So my conclusion for the "new" health care plans are not going to work for me. OK.
Moving on...
Senator Obama says we need to spend more money on education. Better teachers. Better schools...etc. etc. I have heard this for the past 40 years. I don't see this program going anywhere. Money doesn't fix problems.
Senator McCain says a voucher program so parents can choose schools. This gives parents a choice and it would be competition for the schools and competition can make the schools better. I would have liked a voucher program when my children went to school I always resented paying taxes for public schools I just could not use.
The voucher program for my son's kids would be good. He can't use the public schools either. I was educated in the public school system. I got a poor education and that was a long time ago. I decided my kids were not going that route. So I had to pay for the general population and then pay again for the education for my children. Which by the way was excellent. Hard to pay for a big sacrifice, but worth it. So. I like the voucher program.
The War:
I think both candidates agree on bringing our troops home in the next two years and it looks like both candidates agree on invading Pakistan.
I would like to see our troops come home in victory and not have to invade anybody.
I would like a better solution to the war.
VP Choices:
I don't see the VP having much power to begin with and I don't know what the fuss is about Palin, not being experienced. She has as much experience as anybody and I think they should leave this alone. I think some people have a problem with the fact that she's a woman and they really don't understand women. Women can do anything. They don't need experience. Even God let them have on the job training as Mothers because HE knew they could handle it. I don't see HIM giving men that kind of confidence.
I guess those are the biggest issues. For some reason I don't think either candidate has the answers. They are preaching change, but change is BIG. They are taking baby steps. Ask the women. We are sitting here patiently watching with our hands reaching out (just like when our kids learned to walk) and we really want to grab those hands and get them on their feet!
I can't wait to read this 5 years from now after all the change and the real world takes over. See you then.
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