Thursday, August 25, 2005

FREE Outdoor Concert Tonight!

Free outdoor concert presented by Riversdale. Tonight August 24 7 to 8 p.m. Bring lawn chairs and or blankets to sit on. You can buy food or bring it. Music by: Blues Harmonica Maestro & Vocalist BRUCE EWEN and band The Solid Senders. You can call for more information 301-864-0420. Riversdale the Calvert Mansion is located on Riverdale Road. Its the big mansion, you can't miss it! This is a treat for the community! Please come out and show your support.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Best Restaurant in Town!

Yesterday, Simon, Ken, Earl and I went to the Calvert House Inn for lunch. What a treat. They now have a buffet for $10.95 which is fabulous. Seafood lovers would be delighted. I, not being a seafood/fish eater had the chicken salad platter for $5.95 !! wow. Best chicken salad I ever ate. I don't think I could do better at McDonalds. They also have these tiny 2 bite deserts that come 3 on a dish. You choose chocolate, strawberry, lite chocolate, lemon and you can mix which ones you want and share. If you haven't been there for lunch or dinner, you are missing out. One thing I love about this restaurant is that the owner comes to your table and asks if everything was to your satisfaction. I felt like a movie star! Where in the world can you get this kind of service? Right in our own home town, walking distance to most of our houses. Great atmosphere, good service and priced right. They also have jazz on Thursdays. Cheek to Cheek is playing this week. They have music on Fridays as well. I haven't been there for that, but I am sure its good and will be going before too long. Give it a try and report back to me on your experience.

Monday, August 22, 2005

This is a good letter!

There was a letter to the editor in the Prince Georges Gazette a few weeks ago about leaders and developers. "if things get much worse, we may be forced to hide under our beds, but developers will be sleeping contentedly on mattresses stuffed with money. We didn't elect developers to plot the county's course, we elected presumably independent-minded courageous people, who can stand up to financial pressures and serve us with ethical common sense."
See full letter at:
I like that, "ethical common sense".

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Mattie! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday to Mattie!

Today is Mattie's Birthday. She is 3 years old! Where did the years go? Seems like only yesterday we put her in a basket and snuck her into the renaissance Festival! She is napping now after her party. Lots of presents, dog treats and love! Anyone with a dog needs to check out the new KONG toys. They are rubber toys with openings to stuff with treats. The theory is that dogs in the wild need to work for their food. This toy provides the "work". It is a good toy and we do recommend it. Keeps them busy for hours. I originally was trying to find something to occupy MacGregor, our new puppy. He insisted on chewing on Mattie's ears. So I went to the pet store and came up with the Kong. Now everytime he goes for Mattie, I give him the Kong. So far so good. It works! We think Mattie is the best. Next week, her sister Katie will have her birthday. She will be 14 years old! She doesn't like parties, costumes, toys or a fuss. She does like her treats, tho.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

This is Great! Posted by Picasa

Readers are Leaders!

The Riverdale Park Reader is delighted to see the sign out front of the Riverdale Park Elementary School! In these days of television, computers, ipods, etc. a reminder that reading is important just talks to my heart. I have always said, "If you can read, you can do anything". Of course, I would rather read than do anything else. Having a choice of a round the world trip or a good book, I would choose the book any day of the week. So, Thank You Riverdale Park Elementary. I can see its going to be a very good year! What a great start!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Getting Serious

As I read all the comments on the rubble lot on Route 1 and East West Highway posted on pogos, I can't help but wonder why we residents aren't being more serious and concerned. Its not just a rubble lot that should concern us but the ripples that flow out from it and the impact it has on a safe neighborhood and quality community. Across the street from the rubble pile sits the Cent 21 real estate building. Graffiti was painted on the sign recently. The Graffiti said, "LOCO". I didn't know what that meant, but have since found out it is an identity for a gang. I did some research and now I am more concerned than ever. Vacant lots, weeds, junk, rubble encourage gangs to come into neighborhoods and take over. Someone has cleaned the graffiti off, but you can still see where it was. I think we need a task force in town to work on this problem. Please go to this web site and read everything you can about graffiti, gangs, communities and what they do about it. Sitting back and thinking it will go away won't work. Its like a leak in the roof. You can put a piece of duct tape over it and sure for a little while the rain won't come in. The problem is still there and eventually will get worse. Might as well fix it right at the start then have a bigger problem later. I am going to call Chief Parker and discuss this problem with him. I will volunteer to be on a task force if he will allow it. I challenge my fellow residents to get involved.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The patio at Bragg's Beach

Last night sitting on the patio at Bragg's Beach with Simon and Ken enjoying the beautiful evening drinking water, yes water, all of a sudden there were 3 or 4 gunshots, a car speeding and 2 or 3 more gunshots. We looked at each other, horrified. Ken said, yes those were gun shots, not a car backfiring. It happened on Taylor Road, which is one house away from my back yard. I could see a blur of a car through the fence, but couldn't make out what it was. I picked up the cell phone, dialed the Riverdale Park Police and told them what I heard. Within minutes the cars and lights were flashing. Police cars blocked Ravenswood/Sheridan/Taylor and East West Highway. My neighbor told me he heard it was a car jacking on his scanner. I called my ward 2 representative. She called back and told me it was a drive by shooting with cars. No one was hurt. I am shocked and appalled that this is happening in my neighborhood. This has never happened in the 35 years I have lived here. We have children living on these blocks who could have been out playing since it was not quite dark yet. We talked about getting a neighborhood watch program going again. Maybe that would be a good thing. We must take an interest in our community and keep these things from happening. It takes all of us. Not just the police. We need to be aware and alert. I know Chief Parker told us that we should call when we see anything suspicious and I think we should heed his advice. He doesn't mind checking it out, so don't worry that you may look silly. Better to be safe than sorry. I urge all my Riverdale Park neighbors to take an interest in this and work with our police department and help them make our town safe. The more busybodys we have watching, the criminals will feel less comfortable coming here. If you weren't for gun control before, you would be after experiencing this incident.

The Old Guard Rides Again

With "The Landscape" as theme, the original full time faculty, now retired, come together in this exceptional exhibition to kick off Marlboro Gallery's 2005-06 season! Our own Gerald King is a member of the "old guard". Dates are August 22-September 16 2005. Reception is Saturday September 10 3-6 p.m. Want more info? Call 301-322-0965 or email: or visit http//
I am so impressed with Gerry's work and I will be there to support him. This is an expanded exhibition that was first displayed at The Ice House in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia this summer. Simon and I tried to get up to Berkeley Springs, but the closing of the bookshop kept us tied up here. Since the bookshop will no longer be there to support one of Riverdale's finest artists, we will be doing whatever we can to promote him in other ways. It would be nice if we could pick a day and a whole group of us got together and made a grand evening of it. Let me know your thoughts.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

News from the street

Today in my real estate travels I met an astute business man who was viewing a property I am marketing for sale. He owns several investment properties in the area. We started talking about the Route 1 development and he asked me "what's happening to Riverdale Park"? He said Hyattsville, College Park and even Mount Rainier were moving forward and you can see things happening but Riverdale seems to be at a standstill. I didn't have an answer. When I think about what he said and I look at our town with the vacant lot at the entrance and the vacant buildings in Town Center, I understand what he means. I notice that College Park tore down a gas station on Route 1 and actually reproduced the type of buildings that Riverdale Park demolished. Those buildings are now filled and open for business. The Lustine properties are on the way to being developed and the people of Hyattsville even got the developer to keep the old showroom and incorporate it into his design. Why is Riverdale Park moving backward instead of forward? The old buildings on Route 1 were called blight by some, but I think what we have now is really blight. The town center has been empty for, I think, about 20 years. We seem to be sinking in quick sand while the other towns are moving up, up and away. I'm concerned. How about you? Anyone have any ideas?

MacGregor and Mattie Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Riverdaleparkette Returns

I was delighted that the RiverdaleParkette woke up! I heard she was kissed by the handsome prince, opened her eyes and smiled seductively. Then, hark, she heard a little parkette crying for her mommy and had to put off her afternoon delight. I like the sassy label, better than some labels I've had throughout my stay in the Park. But that's another story. Yes, Parkette and Reader are inspired by each other! This town is so lucky. I can just see the fairies and leprechauns clapping their hands and jumping up and down. They have been encouraging us, now. It's really not our fault.
Simon and I attended a Thank you party for us at Olivia Gray and Karen Rowe's house on Sommerset. Had a great time and picked up quite a bit of "talk". Billie Jean presented me with a beautiful flower pin which just happened to match my outfit. Pat Gladding gave Simon and I new beautiful margarita glasses. (Guess we'll be doing a lot of partying now) When Simon smashed (by accident) 2 of our nice glasses she figured we needed a supply. Simon's limit is 2 pitchers. Ask Frank, he knows. You could ask Karen as well, she really knows. We had delicious food and good company and are eternally grateful for all our dear, dear friends in Riverdale Park. It was a hot, hot day and we went home for swimming and were joined by Karen and Olivia and Ken who actually got in the pool and Gerry King who will taking a trip to Wisconsin shortly. By the way, Gerry will be having an art show at the PG community college in Sept. I'll keep you posted. We should all go and support him. I, personally, own 3 originals and am anxiously awaiting the day he will be recognized by the national art community.
Our baby Mac, the collie, is growing every day. I think he doubled in size! I will get his picture up very soon, maybe even today. By the way, for anyone who owns a dog there is a great dog part called Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis. They have a play area for large and small dogs and a dog beach. Even if you don't have a dog, just experiencing the dog beach is worth it. They also have places for picnicking, playgrounds for kids, walking/biking trails. Maybe we could copy their idea and make Riverdale Park a carbon copy. Who will take on that project?
So in ending for today we will be drinking Margaritas, going to the dog park and then on to the art show. Anyone have any ideas for protests, sit ins???

Friday, August 12, 2005

Riverdale Park Reader 2nd post

The Riverdale Park Farmer's Market was held yesterday (Thursday). Simon and I were there and saw many friends and neighbors. Emily of Emily's Dolls had her shop open. She looks great! For those who don't know, Emily had an accident a few months ago and we were all really worried. Fortunately our prayers were answered and she looks better than new! On the down side, we were saddened by not having the Curry Shack selling their food. Seems like the health dept. shut them down due to an anonymous complaint. Seems like Prince Georges County doesn't have a permitting process for selling food at the Farmer's Market. Curry Shack does have a permit for the Balitmore area. Seems like we here in PG could do reciprocity? I am surprised that the people who have been enjoying their food all this time aren't jumping up and down screaming. Where is the drama in this community? Everyone who ever enjoyed a bite of the Curry Shack food needs to write an email to their county, town and state reps and complain about taking this fine establishment out of the Farmer's Market circuit. Yes, if enough of you write, something will be done. Let's get on it.
I also drove by the "war zone" site again and I see pipes and stuff on the Beale Circle park. ...
Don't know if its the developer or the county doing some work, but its worth watching. We don't need more junk on that corner.
Yesterday the hard workers from the Riverdale Park Public Works were in front of my house fixing my sidewalk! I have complained through 2 mayors, 3 ward 2 council members for the past 4 years! My sidewalk was heaving due to the tree roots. It was a dangerous spot and people walking down the street always tripped on it. Halloween was especially dangerous. I was happy to see something getting done. I really would like them to remove the sidewalk and make a "roundabout" like they do in some areas of DC and Montgomery County to accommodate the tree roots but for now I am happy. Now I know I won't have to run out with the first aid kit and have to mop up blood. Thanks you guys!
Don't miss the beautiful crepe myrtle tree on Ravenswood Rd. which was planted by the Neighbors Helping Neighbors group in memory of little Miguel. It is in full bloom and is just fabulous. Everytime I drive by I think of that little boy and offer up a little prayer.
I want to thank everyone who looked at my blog and especially those who commented or sent emails. I am enjoying this. What a fun thing to do. Better than watching TV.
Stay tuned for my next posting. I have a great idea for my block here in Riverdale Park. I will share with you and maybe we can start something. For the good, that is.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Simon and Audrey Posted by Picasa


The Riverdale Bookshop & Coffee Depot lives! They can take away our space in town center. They can think we are closed down. But....Our spirit lives! Gerry King stopped by our house with coffee mug in hand on Sunday asking "Can I have a cup of coffee?" Of course you can Gerry, we still make the best coffee in town! Glad to see you, come right in. Jim Coleman called for a game of scrabble on Wednesday. Sure Jim, we'll just hang out here by the pool and play a game! Simon has his bookcases set up and is starting his online book selling. This is his first step. We will continue to look for space for our new shop but will be very choosy as to where it is. Ken, our computer geek, stopped by yesterday to make sure our computers were up and running. Maureen and family came by for swimming and socializing twice this week. Pat and Lance came by on Saturday night for some of Simon's special margaritas and then we all went to S & J for Karoke! Carole stopped by looking for Lance on Tuesday. We continue to support the farmer's market and will see you all there each week. E-mail serves the purpose of keeping in touch. Now we have put together this blog spot. Don't blame Simon if you don't like it, its Audrey's fault. We/I will be talking about things in town and also our progress and encourage others to post as often as they like.
Today as Simon and I were driving on East West Highway, I noticed some activity at the "war zone/dump" on the corner. Looks like they are extending the mess over into Beale Circle. I mentioned to Simon that I should call or go there and find out what's going on before the mess is enlarged and he replied that "Why don't you be apathetic like the rest of the town?" Are we apathetic? Hope not. So, with this blog spot, I may be creating a "ruckus". Which I have been accused of doing in the past. But if that's what it takes, so be it. I am going to leave this for the time being, but I know I will get back to it, especially if I think we need to raise our voices for some progress.