Sunday, November 11, 2007


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San Antonio Riverwalk!

This is my vision for Riverdale Park. We already have the boat down at the Bladensburg Marina. Just have to get the development going along the banks. And we don't want railroad cars.
Riverwalk is a well thought out development where you hear no traffic because it is below street level. What a place! What an experience. I loved it. I am so jealous that we don't have a similar place here in Md/DC We already have the river and the boat -how hard could it be to expand and get the shops and tourists? I could see this happening as a start right behind the Kenilworth shopping center to start. We just need to turn the buildings around and clear the area to the river... We are almost there....Park and Planning is already there and I believe we even have some picnic tables already.
So, I'm a dreamer tell me something I don't know!!!
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San Antonio!

Horse and Carriage rides!

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Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas

This picture is taken from one of the bridges that cross the river. Each side has shops and restaurants and you can go back and forth. I bought the Riverwalk Book. I thought about giving it to my Mayor of Riverdale Park so he could turn the Anacostia River into something like this but then I realized that I would have to be the Mayor to make this happen! Not ready yet so must go to San Antonio to enjoy this wonderful bountiful place!
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