Monday, August 21, 2006

Mac and Katie waiting for Treats!

Mac and Katie were guests at Mattie's Birthday Party. Mac wore his pink neck scarf to match Mattie's dress. Katie doesn't like to dress up and we don't make her do it. She will be having her birthday on August 29 and will be 15 years old. We will be having a big party then. I think we get prime rib for that celebration! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Mattie!

Mattie is 4 years old today! She is dressed in bright pink ballerina dress with ribbon and roses at the waist on the back. He also has a lovely pink necklace! She received many toys and treats for this special birthday, including a new pink collar that says "Princess"! She certainly is my princess. Her birthday cake was made from a sirloin burger cooked on the grill, decorated with a variety of dog treats. She ate out of the "You are Special" dog dish and MacGregor and Katie had special Haiwian theme outside dog dishes for their share of the special cake. Since Mac is still a baby (only 16 months old) he did receive a toy or two for himself. (I used to do that for my kids so they wouldn't be jealous. My Larry still had a snit because he always wanted more.) Anyway, Mac loved his blue football that squeaks really loud. We all enjoyed the party. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Annual Canine Training Association Picnic

Today was the dog school picnic. Owners and dogs came to the Adelphi Manor Park and had a wonderful day. The dogs got to play many supervised games.
RALLY - signs were posted and dog and owner went through the course and followed the directions. There were about 16 signs posted. This was fun.
DUMBELL THROWING ACCURACY - this game was for humans only.
DROP ON RECALL ACCURACY - Dog must drop close to a line after he is called.
PROGRESSIVE QUICK SIT - Dog quickest to sit wins. Mattie won the first round, but came in second in the run off.
MUSICAL CHAIRS - This was the funiest one!
DOUBLE STRAIGHT RECALL - Mac failed this one altogether!~

Our food was great! The company was excellent! This is the first time I attended a dog picnic and I think I like it better than any of the people picnics I have been to. Thanks to Ken and Nan Nagle for all their hard work putting this together and also keeping the CTA going throughout the years!

Dog Musical Chairs!

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Mac, Mattie and Simon

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Japanese Crested with Hair!

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Casey the Baby Collie!

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Most unusual dog at the picnic!

Hairless Japanese Crested! What a doll! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Michael Gerrety

Michael dresses up in period costume at the Riversdale Mansion! What a handsome guy! Posted by Picasa

Mattie and Mac

Mattie and MacGregor enjoy their outing to the Calvert Mansion for the Battle of Bladensburg. They liked everything except the sound of gun shots. I agree with them. They got lots of pets from everyone. Posted by Picasa

Battle of Bladensburg

Here is Mattie and myself at the re-enactment of the Battle of Bladensburg held at Riversdale, The Calvert Mansion in Riverdale Park. This is what I love about small towns. Unfortunately I saw few of my neighbors and only one person from the town council. Thanks Rob O. for making an appearance. I can't believe the others don't support these town events. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 04, 2006

Beat the Heat wave!

MacGregor and Maggie enjoy the hot weather! 101 degrees? No problem!
MacGregor got this pool because he out grew his little red one from last year. Maggie liked the purple elephant and insisted on sharing with Mac. What a pair! Cute, Cute, Cute!
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