Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Circus Train comes to Riverdale Park!

I have always wanted to watch the Ringling Bros. Circus Train roll through Riverdale Park! Today was the day. I was going out to show a house and there was a train stopped on the tracks. As I got closer, I saw it was the Circus Train! I grabbed my cell phone, called Simon and asked him to grab the camera and go take pictures. These are the Pictures. I am so pleased we got some good shots. Wish some of the animals were looking out the windows. Anyway hope you enjoy!

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Mac's Birthday!

MacGregor is 2 years old on St. Pat's Day!
Mattie Dresses up too!
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Monday, March 05, 2007

Rob and Judy

Rob and Judy dance at S & J's on New Years Eve! The dancing was good, the karoke needed work!
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MacGregor aka Lassie

Last night Simon and I watched the new movie Lassie! Lassie looks alot like our dog MacGregor! When Lassie runs through the fields, I think it is Mac. Anyway, I remember when my kids were young and I used to read "Lassie Come Home" to them. I would always cry reading that book. Funny how I came to own my own "Lassie" and funny how it was my son Larry that brought him to me. MacGregor will be 2 years old on March 17th. Look for him in his Irish costume! If you havn't seen the movie it is worth the time it takes to watch it. This should win the Academy Awards. I found it to be a much better movie than the Departed which was a winner. Lassie has no violence, except for the horrible trainer who hit her with the belt, but then got fired. No nudity. Lots of heart wrenching kindness and the very best ending. That's what I like in a movie.
This picture of MacGregor was during the last ice/snow storm. He was lying on the snow in our front yard and it was frozen so solid, he didn't make a dent. He weighs about 80 pounds. What a dog!
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