BIG change
In regard to the 2008 election when I hear the word Change. I want BIG change.
What does change remind me of.... A jingle in my pocket!!!
How about we change the electoral college and just elect the man/woman that the people pick? That's BIG change.
Clean up the welfare system. No one able to work will be on welfare. If they don't have skills, we will give them non skilled jobs (part time) and school (part time)
so they can get on their feet and make a contribution to society. We will not give them more welfare money to stay home then they can make by working an honest day's work. That's BIG change.
Stop the war. We use money for everything else, how about we use it to stop the war. I don't mean giving the money to all the terrorist countries. I mean stop giving the money. Close the wallet. No money for anyone until they stop fighting amongst themselves. That's BIG change.
Education: Let's make it a privilege. If you don't want to go to school and learn, fine. Don't. However we won't be paying you to stay home and do nothing. Want to learn a skill and/or train for a good job. Great. We will help you. We'll pay for college for the people who want to learn and we will pay for it by saving money on the jerks who don't appreciate an education. This will improve our education system. Teachers will spend time educating instead of disciplining.
Parents are required to be involved in the education system. Teachers are required to prove their ability to train our young people. Also let's pay teachers what our NFL players earn and let's play the NFL players teacher's salaries. We'll certainly attract more and better teachers. Where does the NFL get the money to pay those high dollars? We'll find out and do the same thing.
We can do this for the Police too. They need that same good salary as teachers.
That's BIG change
The abortion issue and capital punishment:
If you are for the abortion issue, you can't be against capital punishment. How much sense does that make. Kill the innocent new life, but keep the criminal life and coddle it? Next thing you know we'll be killing everyone over 70 because we just don't have room for those old folks.
I say, No killing. Period. None. Nada. NO.
That is BIG change.
Now, my favorite, the big financial/ credit issue....
Wow. Give almost a trillion dollars to the banks!!! What a novel idea. I can hardly imagine that kind of money.
The banks, the investors, wall street. Yes, those trustworthy wonderful people who would look after your money.
I say, Give the money to the people. Take the trillion dollars and divide it up among the people. You can trust them with their money. They will do the right thing.
First, they can pay off their mortgages thereby giving the banks cash back which will get them out of the hole.
The those that were foreclosed on can re buy their homes or other homes and the bank again gets the cash flow to get them out of the hole
Those who have no mortgage and don't want to own a house can buy cars, TVs, take vacations, etc. That puts money back into the economy and gets it out of the hole.
Those who have student loans can pay them off and that puts the cash back and moves the economy.
Those who want nothing can give to charity or save it. Either one helps the economy.
These solutions help on all levels.
The people solve the problem in an honest way we can all trust.
Give the job of solving the economic crisis to the people and give them the tools to do it. It will be solved.
Big, Big Change. American people in charge of government! Wow! Big Change.
Hey you could write me in. I would never turn down an opportunity to help my country, town, or neighbors. Luv you all!!!!