Friday, March 18, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veterans Day!
Riverdale Park celebrated Veteran's Day at The Veteran's Monument in Town Center.
I am so pleased to see that God is alive and well in Riverdale Park! We said the pledge of allegiance to the flag and kept "under God" in it. We had the Star Spangled Banner Waving in the wind while the music played. We had Rev. Slye of the Christian Church ask God to Bless all our Veterans and also their family, friends, and all who attended. In these days when so many want to remove God from our lives, I am so pleased to say that here in Riverdale Park, "We still Believe!" Amen.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
BIG change
In regard to the 2008 election when I hear the word Change. I want BIG change.
What does change remind me of.... A jingle in my pocket!!!
How about we change the electoral college and just elect the man/woman that the people pick? That's BIG change.
Clean up the welfare system. No one able to work will be on welfare. If they don't have skills, we will give them non skilled jobs (part time) and school (part time)
so they can get on their feet and make a contribution to society. We will not give them more welfare money to stay home then they can make by working an honest day's work. That's BIG change.
Stop the war. We use money for everything else, how about we use it to stop the war. I don't mean giving the money to all the terrorist countries. I mean stop giving the money. Close the wallet. No money for anyone until they stop fighting amongst themselves. That's BIG change.
Education: Let's make it a privilege. If you don't want to go to school and learn, fine. Don't. However we won't be paying you to stay home and do nothing. Want to learn a skill and/or train for a good job. Great. We will help you. We'll pay for college for the people who want to learn and we will pay for it by saving money on the jerks who don't appreciate an education. This will improve our education system. Teachers will spend time educating instead of disciplining.
Parents are required to be involved in the education system. Teachers are required to prove their ability to train our young people. Also let's pay teachers what our NFL players earn and let's play the NFL players teacher's salaries. We'll certainly attract more and better teachers. Where does the NFL get the money to pay those high dollars? We'll find out and do the same thing.
We can do this for the Police too. They need that same good salary as teachers.
That's BIG change
The abortion issue and capital punishment:
If you are for the abortion issue, you can't be against capital punishment. How much sense does that make. Kill the innocent new life, but keep the criminal life and coddle it? Next thing you know we'll be killing everyone over 70 because we just don't have room for those old folks.
I say, No killing. Period. None. Nada. NO.
That is BIG change.
Now, my favorite, the big financial/ credit issue....
Wow. Give almost a trillion dollars to the banks!!! What a novel idea. I can hardly imagine that kind of money.
The banks, the investors, wall street. Yes, those trustworthy wonderful people who would look after your money.
I say, Give the money to the people. Take the trillion dollars and divide it up among the people. You can trust them with their money. They will do the right thing.
First, they can pay off their mortgages thereby giving the banks cash back which will get them out of the hole.
The those that were foreclosed on can re buy their homes or other homes and the bank again gets the cash flow to get them out of the hole
Those who have no mortgage and don't want to own a house can buy cars, TVs, take vacations, etc. That puts money back into the economy and gets it out of the hole.
Those who have student loans can pay them off and that puts the cash back and moves the economy.
Those who want nothing can give to charity or save it. Either one helps the economy.
These solutions help on all levels.
The people solve the problem in an honest way we can all trust.
Give the job of solving the economic crisis to the people and give them the tools to do it. It will be solved.
Big, Big Change. American people in charge of government! Wow! Big Change.
Hey you could write me in. I would never turn down an opportunity to help my country, town, or neighbors. Luv you all!!!!
Last Presidential Debate
Just wanted to make some notes about the debate.
The Health Care Program:
Senator Obama says all will have health care. He will make the insurance companies cover pre existing conditions. He will fine corporations who don't give health care to their employees. He will fine people who don't have insurance on their children.
Those companies who don't cover health care will pay into a fund so that those without insurance can get it from this fund and it will be equal to what he has a a federal employee. Sounds great! Who will pay? If insurance companies have to cover pre existing conditions, that costs more and I guess the premiums will go up to cover that expense. I don't think this program will help me at all. I see it as something that would be good for people who the government covers already and a real disadvantage for the small business owner.
Senator McCain says that he will give everyone a $5000 credit for health care and you can pick your own coverage. This would make the insurance companies more competitive for your business and that would drive down prices. Maybe. I don't see it helping me either.
So my conclusion for the "new" health care plans are not going to work for me. OK.
Moving on...
Senator Obama says we need to spend more money on education. Better teachers. Better schools...etc. etc. I have heard this for the past 40 years. I don't see this program going anywhere. Money doesn't fix problems.
Senator McCain says a voucher program so parents can choose schools. This gives parents a choice and it would be competition for the schools and competition can make the schools better. I would have liked a voucher program when my children went to school I always resented paying taxes for public schools I just could not use.
The voucher program for my son's kids would be good. He can't use the public schools either. I was educated in the public school system. I got a poor education and that was a long time ago. I decided my kids were not going that route. So I had to pay for the general population and then pay again for the education for my children. Which by the way was excellent. Hard to pay for a big sacrifice, but worth it. So. I like the voucher program.
The War:
I think both candidates agree on bringing our troops home in the next two years and it looks like both candidates agree on invading Pakistan.
I would like to see our troops come home in victory and not have to invade anybody.
I would like a better solution to the war.
VP Choices:
I don't see the VP having much power to begin with and I don't know what the fuss is about Palin, not being experienced. She has as much experience as anybody and I think they should leave this alone. I think some people have a problem with the fact that she's a woman and they really don't understand women. Women can do anything. They don't need experience. Even God let them have on the job training as Mothers because HE knew they could handle it. I don't see HIM giving men that kind of confidence.
I guess those are the biggest issues. For some reason I don't think either candidate has the answers. They are preaching change, but change is BIG. They are taking baby steps. Ask the women. We are sitting here patiently watching with our hands reaching out (just like when our kids learned to walk) and we really want to grab those hands and get them on their feet!
I can't wait to read this 5 years from now after all the change and the real world takes over. See you then.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My thoughts on Sarah
I saw in the Washington Post that Sarah Palin was deemed unethical because she didn't rein in her husband for harressing officials over a trooper who was terrorizing his family. I wonder, do all the people of Alaska have more rights than those related to Palin? I think he had every right to do what he did and its no reflection on Sarah. By the way, Here in Prince Georges County, our County Executive ignored a rogue police officer and he ended up killing 2 delivery men. Law enforcement officers are mostly dedicated, hardworking individuals. However, a rogue needs to be reined in and dealt with. I say congrats to Sarah. She may have saved some lives. Of course, we won't be seeing this in the Post. I would like the Washington Post to report the news, the issues and keep their opinions to themselves. I would like to form my own opinions based on the facts. I find the post biased. Reading it about the upcoming election doesn't help me make a decision.
I would like some positive reporting about the issues and what each candidate will do about it, specifically and how they will do it. I don't like all the negative dirt the Post promotes. For instance, John McCain stumbled over the name of the Afghanistan president. I can't even spell or pronounce it. Sarah stumbled over the General McKiernan/and said McKellen, I think. And the post blabbed about that ad nauseum. However Obama stumbed over John McCain's name. (called him Tom/Jim/ or something) and nary a word. What's that about? Stumbling over a name is not news. You get up there on that stage in front of millions of people and keep from stumbling. These candidates are just humans trying to do the best they can. Let's leave them to it.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Palin/Biden Debate 10/2/08
I watched the entire debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin. There is one thing, I hope, Americans heard loud and clear. Governor Palin said, "Stop pointing fingers and lets move forward". That was the most important phrase in the whole debate. Just like a mother would say to her bikering children. Maybe that's what we need here in the US, a mother to rule. The politicians who we call our leaders are behaving like 8th graders, pointing fingers, blaming the other etc. What a bunch of brats. The President is not a KING, he cannot make the mess all by himself. The congress, sentate, house all have a part in what is happening in our country. So let's stop the blaming and the finger pointing and move forward as Governor Palin suggests. What a breathe of fresh air. They say she doesn't have experience on foreigh policy, well I say those current leaders may have experience but its not getting things done so what good is it? Maybe we need a clean slate with new ideas. They say she doesn't have experience to fix the economy, well, those in charge aren't doing a good job either and I am including those in the senate, house along with the president. You are supposed to be a team working for the good of the country and all you can do is argue and try to best each other. What kind of team is that. So, Sarah does have experience with team work and that's what needs to be fixed right now, THE TEAM. Our Captain/President is crippled and our Senate/players are kicking him around thinking this is a good thing? That's not team work. You should be ashamed of yourselves. (I can hear Sarah saying this) She has good sense and that's what I want in my elected officials.
I read the newspaper reports. They don't take Governor Palin seriously. Maybe I'm reading the wrong newspaper. I read the Washington Post. Maybe I should change to a paper who reports the news instead of feeble opinions. Any suggestions out there?
All the candidates are talking about change. I don't see any change coming unless the American people decide enough is enough and stop sending these cranky babies to do a women's job. We need Sarah Palin more than ever right now. She is the change we have been looking for. She can lead our country out of this mess and she can do it all with a smile. She has the ability, the intelligence and the compassion to be one of the greatest leaders of our time. I urge all Amerians to take an open minded look at her and see her American Spirit.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
My thoughts in view of the 2008 National Elections!
The condition of married women has been essentially that of slaves.
Before 1848 woman’s property rights were controlled by her father and transferred to her husband upon marriage. She could not own property on her own.
In New York until 1860 women did not have the right to sue, contract, keep their earnings or keep the financial property accruing from any real estate, whether rent, profits or sale price.
Women’s property rights varied from state to state.
In Florida until the 1970’s a woman who wanted to control her own property had to petition the state for legal recognition that she could do so - in essence petition the state that she was capable of managing her own affairs and owning and manipulating accounts and property in her own name.
The 19th amendment in 1920 gave women the right to vote. 1920 less than 100 years ago
The 14th amendment in 1868 gave black MEN the right to vote.
So here in the 2000’s we condemn slavery and think it just happened to black people.
I am a woman and therefore I come from a slavery background. We don’t get a lot of media attention, after all, we are just women. If we stand up as “free people” we are ostracized and criticized. (Note Hilary Clinton and now Sarah Palin).
I don’t know about you, but I want a woman in the top job of governing our country. The men have tried and failed. They say Bush screwed up the country. I say it was him and all the men who came before him.
We need a woman in the white house. She may not get the #1 job yet, but let’s give her the #2 spot and rise from there.
Running a household, raising a family and holding down a leadership role and stressful job is experience and the best you can get. I challenge any man to spend a year in a women’s shoes who thinks that isn’t experience.
As far as Sarah’s opinion on abortion etc. She is entitled to her own opinion. This is the USA, right?
It doesn’t mean she will change the law. It means she has an opinion and is not afraid to say what it is instead of beating around the bush trying to please all. Remember you can’t please all the people all the time. We still live in a democracy and we still have a voice. The majority rules. (although we have been getting away with that in recent times)
Sarah Palin, a strong woman with the best experience, who’s not afraid to speak out and challenge her colleagues is the woman I intend to vote for.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
San Antonio Riverwalk!
This is my vision for Riverdale Park. We already have the boat down at the Bladensburg Marina. Just have to get the development going along the banks. And we don't want railroad cars.
Riverwalk is a well thought out development where you hear no traffic because it is below street level. What a place! What an experience. I loved it. I am so jealous that we don't have a similar place here in Md/DC We already have the river and the boat -how hard could it be to expand and get the shops and tourists? I could see this happening as a start right behind the Kenilworth shopping center to start. We just need to turn the buildings around and clear the area to the river... We are almost there....Park and Planning is already there and I believe we even have some picnic tables already.
So, I'm a dreamer tell me something I don't know!!!
Riverwalk is a well thought out development where you hear no traffic because it is below street level. What a place! What an experience. I loved it. I am so jealous that we don't have a similar place here in Md/DC We already have the river and the boat -how hard could it be to expand and get the shops and tourists? I could see this happening as a start right behind the Kenilworth shopping center to start. We just need to turn the buildings around and clear the area to the river... We are almost there....Park and Planning is already there and I believe we even have some picnic tables already.
So, I'm a dreamer tell me something I don't know!!!
Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas
This picture is taken from one of the bridges that cross the river. Each side has shops and restaurants and you can go back and forth. I bought the Riverwalk Book. I thought about giving it to my Mayor of Riverdale Park so he could turn the Anacostia River into something like this but then I realized that I would have to be the Mayor to make this happen! Not ready yet so must go to San Antonio to enjoy this wonderful bountiful place!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Downs Park
Ever Heard of Downs Park?
Down by the Chesapeake Bay! We were driving down Route 100 and there was a sign that said "Gibson Island" We wondered where is that? We had never been there, so we followed the signs. Unfortunately, Gibson Island is a gated community in the middle of the Bay and some river and you can't just drive in there. However, we did go to the park just around the corner and it was great! Some guy took our picture and we took his. We walked around and they have a dog beach, pavillons, picnic areas, a Mother's Garden where people can get married, a nature center, an aviary, etc. etc. and they sell home made ice cream. If you go...you won't be sorry. Just stay on Route 100 and you can't miss it.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Meet Miss Jean!
Right here in Washington DC! Our Hometown!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Just some thoughts!
One thing I love about the blog spot is that you can write anything you want, anytime you want and if someone makes a comment you don't like, you just hit delete and away they go! I also like that you can keep a record of your thoughts and watch how they stay the same or change as time goes on. This helps to keep you growing in the right direction. Recently someone thought I was sarcastic and cynical. I made an observation on a public list serve and someone didn't like what I said and decided he would just tell me where to go. This is the second time this has happened and I just happened to notice that both times the comments were from men who happened to be very condescending in their remarks. It sounded like they had to publicly put me down. (I think some people call it "dick swinging") Well, being the person that I am, I always give pause to anything said to or about me. I certainly want to grow and become the best person I can be. If I did anything wrong or mean spirited I want to correct that. I once spoke to a rabbi about making remarks and people attacking you because of your opinion and he told me they are not your problem. You did nothing wrong. I know that I am a strong woman and I know that some men cannot deal with women like me. Too bad. We are the ones who can get things done. I won't broadcast all the great women doers in the world, just pick up a newspaper and see how many are in there. Please don't think I am bashing men. I am only talking about the men who did not heed the good advice of their mothers. The men who think women should be seen and not heard. All men came directly from a woman so they should have tremendous respect for them.
Now for my philosophy talk: I have found over the years that the people who judge others are the ones who are guilty of what they are claiming others are. When someone says you are cynical and sarcastic, you can bet that they are articulating their own personality. When all one talks about is thieves and thievery and how everyone is stealing from them, you can be you are talking to a thief. When someone thinks everyone is a liar - yes, right, you are speaking to a liar. So beware what you accuse or call others, it gives away who you really are. I could go on and on with more examples, but I think you get my meaning.
In ending, I want to say if you have any bad thoughts about me and want to judge me harshly, then the only reason is because you don't know me. If you knew me you'd like me. And even if you never know me or like me, you can count on me to help you out if the need ever arises.
All Stars!
Regatta at Bladensburg!
Getting ready for the Dragon Boat Race! Blue vs. Yellow!
Simon wins the canoe at the raffle at Bladensburg Waterfront Park AWS regatta!
Bragg's Beach Gardens look great this summer! Simon waters every day!
You won't believe what this dog can do. Her name is Reecee and she is 7 years old! Now for the unbelievable part -
She sniffs out Bombs! She is friendly and loves to be petted when not working. She was hanging out at the Bladensburg Park Regatta!